Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Come march with us in this years Memorial Day Parade!

Dear Independents, Bring an American Flag, dress up in Red White and Blue, or do something patriotic with us this Independence Day!
We are calling out all Milford Independents to come and Join us in our 3rd, Annual March in the Milford Memorial Day Parade.
Do not be shy, join us in the parking lot next to the Parsons building and assemble with us, or you can join us mid route. Just step off the Green and show your solidarity and support for Honest People, For Honest Government.
This should be a very spirited and excitingly fun day and I look forward to you joining us any way you can even if that is in spirit, and/or with your votes come 2013. We all work very hard to bring you those people who adhere to Americas good old fashioned values of Freedom, Liberty, Integrity, and Honesty and most of all we embrace our nations greatest creation ever devised for the benefit of not only us and our families, but the people of the world who mimic its principles, the U.S. Constitution.

Friday, May 10, 2013

05/30/13 Next Independent Party Meeting

 Dear Independents, Press Reporters, and Friends

Mark your calendars, and reporters please list this meeting in the papers, our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday May 30th at 7:00P.M. The location will be 374 Ne...w Haven Ave. in the ComputerFox Inc. Conference Room. This meeting will focus on the upcoming Municipal elections, the selection of an Independent screening committee to evaluate/nominate Peter Spalthoff for Milford Ct. Mayor, as well as field any other candidates for our endorsement to this years Municipal races. Peter has been invited to this meeting, and the public is welcome to attend.

There is much to discuss and get accomplished in the coming months. It is therefore really important that you participate and make your voice heard so we can once again move forward with greater clarity in 2013. We will also be discussing our position in the Oyster Festival in 2013 as well as focusing on some fund raising ideas to help the Independent Party and its candidates running for office.

This meeting may be your last opportunity, (prior to the official caucus,) and time to let us know if you wish to run for office, or to apply for a cross endorsement from us.

I personally enjoy hearing from each and every one of you and carry
your thoughts and ideas with me whenever speaking or lobbying on behalf of our party. However, please remember that I alone am not the Independent Party, it is you, and all of us who communicate, participate and share in our likes and dislikes that shape our beliefs, our traditions, and future ambitions.

Therefore it is with great joy and excitement that I look forward to you
attending our next meeting. The time has come to get the positive energy
levels out and start thinking about our mission within our community.
Please join us and spread the word to your friends and neighbors as you
are all are welcome to attend.


Rocco J. Frank Jr.
Your 2013 ITC Chairman
(203) 247-4357