Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Marine Throws Puppy Off Cliff


The video below has become viral as of about an hour ago, if this blog does not have the video then Click Here.

Most obviously the Marine who performed the horrible act of animal cruelty has been identified and is in big trouble but that does not help the poor puppy whose is heard yelping as it flew out of the marines hands and probably to its death on jagged rocks far below.

This is an outrage, and how the video was shot and filmed as if some sort of perverse theatrics to be enjoyed is even more disturbing. If this is what we have fighting on the battlefields overseas it is no wonder why America, and Americans are so disliked in so many places.

The video was deleted en-masse from the internet (When it appers again I will repost over photo) and did not last in most key sources, my best guess is that the highest authorities at the Marines including Gen. Cover up is threatened Youtube and every major news organization. If it is not at the link listed here I suggest you call our leaders and demand your First Amendment rights on behalf of our news organizations.

You should also demand that this Marine be court marshaled put in prison and be immediately removed from the Armed Forces. It is also important to note that despite what we see here with our own eyes this is still under investigation by the military.

Backup link to video Click Here

Apparently these are not isolated incidents. Alex Jones at www.Infowars.com is reporting on animal cruelty today and has demonstrable proof and evidence that animal cruelty has become somewhat of a sick military entertainment event.

Alledged Puppy Tosser

UPDATE: Searching for video may result in Malware attacks. Please be careful!

UPDATE: Critics post video arguing this to be a fake, Marines have yet an official position on the matter. Having been formerly employed with an Animal Hospital and having two vets in my family, I can say that a dead dog does not have elastic skin that can be grabbed like that, not unless it was freshly killed. My opinion is that it looks real to me, but to be fair this is what the skeptics say:

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