Monday, September 8, 2008

Fireman's Muster A Fluster

The annual fireman's muster held over the weekend at Eisenhower park did not go as well as planned. The day started off O.K. and the event kicked off on schedule but the weather soon decided to not cooperate.

The downpour started right at about halfway through the event causing the festival patrons to scatter for their cars and head home. The days weather also spooked many guests into staying home. This resulted in what festival officials estimated was about one half the usual turnout.

However disappointing, and even with their rain date set to Sunday instead of Saturday the event continued as planned. Sunday I revisited the scene and met with several fireman and their volunteers cleaning up and loading trucks. Despite the weather they indicated they had a good time and a good deal of community involvement.

Hopefully next year this event will be under the canopy of blue skies and sunshine.

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