Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Spalthoff Demands Action On Eisenhower Park

It has been over six years since the Mayor appointed the Eisenhower Park Study Committee and over two years since he received the report and he has done nothing with it. It is this type of indecision that he has continually displayed that has prompted me to formally ask him to place the acceptance of the report on the agenda for the next Board of Aldermen meeting in order for them to at least take the next step and adopt the plan as proposed by the committee, otherwise the entire process was a waste of time, money and community effort.

The committee has done an outstanding job in putting together a concise and forward thinking plan of just what might be in the park and how we should go about implementing the steps over many years and to have the report sit in the hands of the Mayor is just another example of him not making the necessary decisions on behalf of the community to move the plan along.

I am not asking that we spend money for the Park renovations at this time, I am only asking that we follow through with what was asked of the committee years ago and at least give them and the citizens of Milford the courtesy of having the plans at least be accepted by the Alderman as a template for what could be done at the Park.

The vision of what is to happen in the Park has already been developed and the proposed plans have been presented to the Mayor many months ago and here we sit having done nothing to make the park a reality. And please do not tell me that “these are hard times” and we need to do this and such. I realize more than anyone that we are in trying times however, without a plan, a goal and a sense of getting something done, Eisenhower Park will languish and we will have accomplished nothing for future generations.

We continually read in the press about various groups who are proposing or doing things in the park that are either; not proper to be doing or have not been approved by the citizens of this community... With better leadership, Eisenhower Park will become yet another jewel in the City as is our Marina at Lyman Landing.

We need to have the plan brought before the Aldermen formally for a vote to be accepted as the Eisenhower Park Study Plan and then the Aldermen can take action on the plan as they see fit. The implementation of this plan can and will only enhance our overall community image and the Mayor needs to step up to the plate today to take a stand on getting the ball rolling with this project.

Peter L. Spalthoff R11;MilfordR17;s Independent Party Candidate

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