Friday, February 8, 2008

A Reminder Of The Power You Have... Get Off The Couch!

When the founders of the United States of America convened to write our U.S. Constitution they had you in mind. They did not trust the government, nor did they wish for any one man to have so much power that he could become a tyrant.

Liberty and freedom were so highly cherished that our Great nation embellished our Capitol building with the statue of Freedom, and placed the largest Liberty statue in America on Liberty Island in NYC.

These statutes are symbolic of the American Ideals, and libertarian principles that freed an entire country from the tyranny that was so prevalent in Europe. The very definition of freedom is "absence of law" and our founders knew that a lawless society would never work because it would deprive others of their pursuit of happiness. We instead built a republic based on sound moral principles of religious freedom, God fearing citizens, and required our great Republic to stand as a nation under God. Every time you say the Pledge of allegiance you utter these words.

Our founders expected Americans to fight for our freedom, they knew that your apathy was the only way we could lose it and they sought to protect that with inaliable rights.

Today freedom continues to be eroded by costly unjust wars. James Madison, Father of the Constitution, said:

"Of all the enemies to liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other.... (Delegating) such powers (to the president) would have struck, not only at the fabric of the Constitution, but at the foundation of all well organized and well checked governments."

We have lost so much liberty today in the name of a Stalinist type terror campaign against an enemy that has no uniform, no military, no navy and no Army. We have dreadfully waged a war that restricts the prosperity and freedom of every American; a war that has put the world in a global economic crisis, sanctioned torture, and passed laws that have turned our democratically elected leaders into evil Oligarch's.

Every American is still vested with the power to stop tyranny, the most powerful voice you have is your vote! You can vote on juries to protect your peers from unfair laws and tyrannical government, you can vote to elect your legislators, and you can vote as part of grand juries in criminal cases. Your vote and voice has an enormous amount of power and should never be wasted.

There is unfortunately a very large number of apathetic individuals who have lost their way in democracy, those of you who are consumed with your life, fail to follow anything but sports, and feel that not voting is the best way to protest. I could not disagree more, the best way to lose America overnight is to have its people engage in continued apathy, and delve into obscurity. When a democracy fails it will happen so fast that activism will no longer work while you are in the custody of your unchecked government.

Unfortunately for the majority, your lack of participation effects us all in a way that you do not fully comprehend. The way this occurs is through others who did vote and consequentially decided your fate for you. These people are often minions of powerful party systems, either Democrat or Republican. Their sole intention is to fall in line with their party who may or may not have a vision of a future you agree with.

America today, has gone very far away from its original libertarian ideals. Most people still believe in freedom and liberty yet we, as a nation, continue to squander our jobs domestically and overseas. We allow our leaders to pass more laws that control us, and make it so you need permits to do anything, even own a dog. The post 911 trend is to continue its march toward an America that exerts more and more control over our individual freedoms, and essential liberty. The America our leaders envision appears to be one that renders the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights null and void.

This Invalidation has been going on for a while, and anyone familiar with the I.R.S. Code knows that the 5th amendment has been compromised there. If you are wondering how so, you will probably remember the public trials on the Enron debacle where almost all of the executives were pleading the 5th. They were not giving any information to the government that may incriminate them. The building, World Trade Center 7 that contained all of their incriminating records did succeed in imploding despite the fact that nothing hit it and was over 300 yards away from the twin towers.

The 5th does not apply to the IRS because if you fail to hand over a tax return you are committing a crime. The information we are forced to hand over to the government can in turn be used to charge you with a felony. The IRS also has the power to violate our rights through searches and seizures of items in your home.

That was just the scenario for the last 85 years; today the post 9/11 era has targeted everyone. You are subject to having your mail read, your phones tapped, your car tracked, your cell phone tracked, even your color printer leaves invisible and yet identifying marks that can be tracked back to you. All of this of course is in the name of security. There is only one big problem however, our borders are wide open and most of our troops and resources are tied up overseas. This is by far the most compelling proof that our leaders are not taking our domestic security seriously.

While we are busy defending some strangers liberty, we tax and invade the privacy of every American, we have no clue who any of the thousands of people who cross into America even are nor do we act like we care. We put the fear of terror into the hearts and minds of all Americans and yet there is a growing movement of people who question the official 9/11 story. Many, like Dan Rather, Peter Arnette, Phil Donahue, Daniel Pearl and Peter Jennings are told to go along with the climate of fear or get terminated.

America has developed a reputation for manufacturing false flag operations, we now know that JFK was killed with the help of his vice President LBJ, that the U.S.S. Liberty was a false flag operation, that the Gulf of Tonkin was a false Flag operation, and by the admission of the CIA such social engineering operations are still ongoing to further the illegal goals and ideals of a select group of globalist criminals who hijacked our government.

War always seems to be their answer, and if history repeats itself it will cause the economy to improve, Americans to rally around our corrupt leaders, and countless people to die in the name of war profits and a preservation of the power vested in America's oligarchs.

To sum up this article today I will quote once again one of the warnings from our founders: "Anyone who sacrifices Liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security!" Benjamin Franklin.

With this said I now ask you to get your Asses off the couch and fight for America!

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