Thursday, July 3, 2008

This 4th of July, Milford Kids and Adults Should Take Notice Of Suzuki's Invigorating Message

This young Girl, Severn Suzuki gave a speech at the UN Earth Summit in 1992. Her goal, was to tell the World that her generation deserves better than the broken policies of the past. Although little has changed today, and such speeches can bring tears to our eyes, we again need to be reminded of how important it is to turn off the television, stop being consumed by our Ipods, personal problems, etc. and make time for our ailing country.

Personally I believe that our great nation is governed by "We the People" the very words that the founders of America wrote as an immutable law to the governance of ourselves. The very reason our world has become dominated by corporate greed, special interests, and unconscionable corruption is because too many people are asleep. Too few Americans are up to the challenge of critical thinking, and even more have not even considered citizenship as an important priority.

While we do, however have a very high voter turnout in town, we do not have many leaders who are capable of solving or challenging the very culprits that have created the problems Suzuki speaks of...just hear the words of this very brave and admirable young lady. It has been said that she silenced the world for five minutes.

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