Saturday, March 28, 2009

Milford Democrats Bash Richetelli

The Milford Democratic website appears to have more in common with a public "Rant" site targeting our mayor. While in no way to I attest to be for or against Richetelli I do find it odd that the Democrats are so focused on destroying our mayor rather than working with his administration to navigate these trying times.

Their focus appears to be directed at dethroning Richetelli and implementing their own character who undoubtedly will yield similar criticism (as all politicians inevitably do.) It is safe to say that criticism is just a hazard of the job, but be warned that the Democratic party in Milford is deceptive (They never criticize themselves).

Case in point, they have yet to denounce Obama's energy plan that would cause your electric bill to skyrocket. They instead campaigned on the premise that they somehow represent condemnation of UI. The duplicity and double talk became clear when the opportunity came to speak out. The DPUC offered public hearings, Milford's leadership was invited and yet not one single person from our town, besides myself and some members of the Independent party was in attendance.

The point here is not to institute a blame game, call Democrats Communists, and Republicans Fascists but rather allude to the fact that there are way too many stones being thrown in our glass house at the moment. Democrats and their blog need to stop bashing, and begin instituting workable solutions that engage teamwork with our mayor.

These issues certainly can be aired during campaign season when Richetelli is up for election again, but until then their efforts should be directed in using their current elected representatives in town to put their "money where their mouth is" not just point fingers and create the type of animosity that builds the very disdain and division that they do.

This is their website offering the excess accumulation of immature rants against our mayor, whom during his personal crisis they alleged to support. Yet now, in an act of brazen and cowardly hypocrisy "trash" him. Truly distasteful and despicable.

Obama's energy plan calling for electric rates to spike. Most Milford Democrats support Obama's energy plan just ask them.

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