Thursday, October 27, 2011

Personal Note From Rocco Frank

Elections and election years have been an adventure for me.I have stood by my convictions as a free thinking Milford Independent, and to the best of my ability made that widely known in the last Four elections. As this year concludes, and I look back, I must ask myself if I regret the efforts that I and the MITC have put forth. Having often questioned my choices, my decisions, your challenges, and the financial sacrifices that our team has made, I can without a doubt conclude that there are great people and heroes out there who share in our common vision of one day having a truly honest, fair, and receptive local government.

Never did I tell anyone how to vote, nor did I seek to instill a misplaced belief in what I perceive to be the art of aggressive campaigning and vote mongering. We instead maintained our simple belief that we need to focus on the big issues, and support “honest people.” Each and every year, I did the best job possible in delivering those individuals to the ballot and yet every election we hear similar self promoting words that sell candidates. Words like: “Experienced,” “Qualified,” “Responsible,” “transparent,” “efficient” and the unanimous self proclamation of “love” for our city.

These words mean different things to different people, for instance, those who receive large salaries and great public benefits are one group with a strong affinity for our community. They are also the most protective over their prosperity and financial well being. On the other hand there are those of us who will be opening up our tax bill in 2012 and wondering where the additional money will come from to pay for food, medicine or transportation. Each of us read, share and learn what we can, we talk to our friends, and often with great angst and confusion, blindly vote for a candidate or political party not knowing if we made a good/bad decision.

For this reason, I believe that one of the most important parts of being a leader is to be a person of good character, a person who is a fair and capable problem solver. With so many of you in a “world of hurt” I cannot help but feel sad. In doing so, I have maintained that Character matters more than experience, it matters more than education, how successful you are, how much money you have in the bank or how politically connected a candidate is. It’s about asking the tough questions. Questions about Seniors, Veterans, a $4.95M appropriation on a small N.H. Ave. firehouse, or the $2M appropriation on a Grove St. sewage pump. It’s about questioning no bid contracts, nepotism, and undeserved bonuses. What makes me different from my opponents is that I love the people of this community more than I love the Government.

When voting remember what you heard this year, countless petty “Penny Foolish” battles over office chairs, Halloween décor and discontent, trash museum controversy, and 9/11 conspiracies relative to campaign signs. Thanks to your encouragement, you have kept us going… therefore I hope and pray that more of you stand with me at the polls this November 8th.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Richetelli, Blake and Joy Mum on Missing Millions

This morning when I left my office for lunch at the ComputerFox, I bumped into a local Firefighter who was with me standing in line at Dee's Deli. I introduced myself and casually began to talk about the New Firehouse on New Haven Ave. that is being built at a reported cost of about 4.2 Million.

This was perfect timing because last night the Milford Independent Town Committee met, and we discussed several issues, including the work of Dick Sieron who recently met with our new Super. Ms. Feser on education issues, but none dominated the meeting with more energy and vigor than this firehouse cost. We even had a member of the MRTC come down to ask us questions because he said "he had no idea this sort of thing was going on and that no one in the MRTC or MDTC was talking about it."

This morning he thanked the MITC for being so vigilant while others are so distracted, but to get back to my conversation with the Firefighter, whose name I will not mention, he said "we (Firefighters) are all wondering what happened to the money as well! This has been a divisive issue in the MFD!" and after I read the latest discontent with the 98-102 vote over discord with Chief Lavecchia, it became clear that the real estate deals being made are a big part of the MFD vote of "No Confidence."

Last week, Lavecchia lost his bid to the Fire Commission to combine his est 90K salary with his pension, Lavecchia wanted the same deal that Chief Mello got despite public outrage. He argued it was fair because the MPD set the precedent and Mayor Richetelli supported his request. His objective was to cash in early on his pension and be rehired as the Chief. However, and much to the credit of the fire commission, his request was disallowed and denied. Bob Joy said he also opposed it yet Blake is not on record for or against it.

These facts should bring to light our research at the MITC, we visited the new firehouse ourselves last night. We did the research and posted the construction estimates on this blog a few short days ago. We determined that the true and just construction costs for this Two Bay Garage, with no basement and an attached single story structure should have cost about 1 Million to 1.4 Million without the land. This estimate also included the Architectural design fees, and Union labor brick and steel construction.

Our Vice Chair Steve Borer who is very connected with the Fire Department and has friends and family in the Fire Department confirmed what I heard this morning, last night; that firefighters like their jobs too much. They are afraid that if they speak out or ask questions they will be punished, fired or sanctioned. This is becoming the common theme in our town, and we are hearing it more and more that city employees are afraid to come forward.

Currently Alderman Giantasio is going to be asked to provide proof, and a veritable and credible estimate of how this 4.2 Million of taxpayer money was spent. The justifications from Mayor Richetelli and the Board of Alderman are going to be expected and scrutinized with great detail, and I am going to call out to the chairman of each political party to ask the tough questions as well and hold those culpable accountable on the excessive construction amounts.

As it stands Lametta Construction has a Back Hoe on the fenced in construction site, and despite my personal knowledge of Lametta, I asked around what their reputation was. The trail leads to the City of Stratford, who declined to comment, but none the less those in the know said they were appalled with this company and advised and insisted that Milford not use them. I am still planning on speaking with Former Stratford Mayor Jim Miron to get the details on why Stratford is so visibly upset with this developer. When I find the answers hopefully it will shed some light on why there was no "Groundbreaking ceremony" on this firehouse as is customarily done.

This may also explain why it did not appear in the bidding system for city contracts, and also explain why this was a "no bid contract" to a developer that our neighbor warned us about. These are tough and serious questions that have to be answered. These are also the reasons why the Independent Party was formed, to fight this type of questionable policy and development on behalf of our failed two party system that refuses to do so.

The MITC gets few votes, makes no friends, makes no money, imperils themselves and gets routinely attacked for being a taxpayer advocate. I admire all those individuals in our city who dare to speak out and stand up for the seniors and veterans who are living on a restricted income, and I am saddened by the kids who can't seem to get an unencumbered education. As the facts emerge, I will continue to update this blog, and continue to report back with details on what appears to be a corrupt "Joe Ganim" type of construction deal.  Please report any facts or details you have to me personally.


Firehouse Construction Estimator at the below link:

Milford Board of Alderman Approve 4.95 Million for new Milford Fire station.

Ben Blake Quoted

Alderman Ben Blake, D-5, said he voted to approve the funds for the new fire station because LaVecchia convinced him it will “increase efficiency.” “Hopefully, it will improve safety and be cost-neutral or result in cost savings,” Blake said.

Jim Richetelli Quoted

"an environmental assessment of the site for the new firehouse brought no concerns. He said the architect, DeCarlo & Doll of Hamden, is designing the building, and he hopes construction could start by year’s end." “This is part of the master plan that dates back 40 years,”

Waste Fraud and Abuse Comparison

Conservative One Story 6,000 Sf

Liberal Two Story 10,000 Sf

Rocco J. Frank Jr.
(203) 247-4357

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Blake's Unethical Police Union Endorsement

This week the Milford Police Union decided to endorse my Democratic Candidate for mayor much to the chagrin of the local Republicans. This was a surprise and a disappointment since they offered a hefty package to the department.

The Republican Candidate, offered up Simon Lake School as a police substation and training center, the Republicans also were silent when the Chief of Police collected his pension in tandem with his salary. There is no shortage of legal problems at the local police department here in Milford either. For those of you who may not know, last year one of our officers killed two youths from Orange in what appeared to be a drag racing incident. This resulted in an investigation whereby dash cam video tape evidence was "accidentally" deleted by the Police Department. The city is now facing a wrongful death lawsuit that could reach into the millions, not to mention the pain and hurt imposed on the families and friends of these young adults.

None of this is to say that the endorsement is not compromised, but one thing that is certain is that its hypocritical at best and criminal at worst. This is the same police department whose detectives were quoted in the papers as saying "I did nothing criminal" when I offered to drop off the ballot in exchange for "Jobs" paid and unpaid for the Milford Independents who are seeking oversight at the highest levels in city hall. We soon got our answer from this police department who did an "investigation" without a criminal complaint being filed, and saw fit to attempt to discredit and embarrass the Independent Party by reporting to the New Haven Register and The Milford Orange Bulletin that I (Rocco Frank) was investigated, even though it was on record there were no criminal complaints filed.

Aside from it being improper to investigate a local citizen without anyone filing a complaint, I found it odd that our detectives randomly open up investigations based on what Journalists like Brian McReady write in the paper. This is not a responsible or professional way to operate a police department, and I find it more troubling that they attempt to corrupt the political process.

Both my opponents, are very similar, almost identical and this endorsement shows that similarity once again in graphic detail. While I am not going to elaborate on anything other than the facts here and try to avoid speculation I will offer my opinion, and that opinion is that the local police stand to benefit more from local Democrat law firms than they do the police training facility and substation supported by both Mayoral Candidates. The reason I say this, is because their record of misconduct, combined with whatever was on those tapes they destroyed, must give many police officers in this city pause.

By nature the city does not always hire attorneys to protect Police officers, and with the state of affairs as they exist today it is quite possible that the local Police Union received more compensation and favors from the Democrats than from the Republicans. Me on the other hand, demanded that we hold the chief of police accountable for the speeding incidents in town, was critical of his salary deal, and demanded we open local public hearings at City Hall before the Board of Alderman to find out how the public is treated by the local police department.  I wanted to see new local ordinances created to better protect the public. I also would have fired the Lt. who destroyed the videotaped evidence and suspended Mello for the way he allowed the department to wildly operate.

This is why I am probably disliked and targeted by the Milford P.D., because unlike my opponents I refuse to look the other way, nor would I accept an endorsement from any city employees who in my view are conflict of interest. Especially so when a candidate says he or she is representing the majority of people in town, who pay their salaries,  and do not work for the city.  

Monday, October 17, 2011

Educational Test Scores In Milford Continue To Stifle The BOE

Brian Mcready of the NH Register asked a question on Facebook. He said: "Milford's 10th graders rank last in math, second to last in science, and reading, and 20th out of 24 in writing on the CAPT, but the city spends the 4th highest for education compared to 24 comparable sized communities, and is dead last in instructional hours. What do you think about that?" Since not all of you have Facebook, I thought it proper to share my answer here so Parents, Kids, and Taxpayers know where my thoughts on education are.
My answer to Brian....

The last two Superintendents did a terrible job, things started to go down hill when the Republicans cut funding to our schools to keep up with the demands made by the local teachers unions. Right now, there seems to be a disconnect between Republican conservatives and the Teachers unions. Until this stalemate is broken we can expect more vindictive cuts to education. Because of our leadership crisis in Milford, the kids suffer while the adults argue and fight with one another. The solution is simple to me, but my opponents have their own bizarre view.

My approach to solving our education problems is to first get the finances of the schools in order. Right now, teachers want to keep their jobs, parents and kids want a quality education and taxpayers do not want more taxes. One approach would be to call an educational crisis meeting, whereby the Teachers Representatives, Taxpayer Advocates and the PTA decide on a mutually agreeable course of action. Reaching a compromise that we can all live with is essential if we are going to put an end to the Bickering and vindictiveness of the Republicans, and many Democrats I am sorry to say. The failures are clearly embarrassing and rather than start a blame game we should be addressing the root causes of these problems and working with the very talented teachers that we have, who get results, to share in their secrets. It may even be in this schools best interest to hold after school workshops and contests to help and encourage our kids to be successful. The city has the money, they just chose to waste it in every way but the correct way. To elaborate on some of this waste, 1.5 Million for a police substation we do not need, Four Million for a Firehouse that could have been built for 1.0 Million, 500K in fee waivers, Money for trash a museum, Veterans exemptions from interest and penalties on their delinquent taxes.. etc.. etc.. This issue is more to do with immaturity and spite by those in charge. It is very sad to see.

Friday, October 14, 2011

New Fire House Raises Serious Financial Questions

This note today is to point out my concern over the excessive spending, and practice of No-Bid Contracts in Milford. As many of you know several of the candidates for Mayor sat on the Board of Alderman and approved local spending on such costly projects.

The project I am talking about is not the expensive and excessive elevator at Pumpkin Delight that was way over budget, nor is it the endless spending on School Repairs. This issue has all to do with the new Firehouse on New Haven Ave.

Several people in town brought to my attention that there was no groundbreaking ceremony at the New Firehouse on NH Ave., like most I wanted to know why. Once we look at the cost of this Firehouse, somewhere in Four Plus Million Range (all borrowed money) it became evident why. I suppose we would have to get a grip on how large an amount Four Million is to really appreciate how outrageous our partisan city leaders are.

To find out for yourself, look on I learned that an 11,600 SF Stone finished mansion in Greenwich, on 4.5 Acres, and with a large ostentatious swimming pool recently sold for about the same price. The house was amazing, marble floors, exotic woods, expensive landscaping, 8 bathrooms, maids quarters, and incredible amenities including a full size game room, full gym and exercise room, a very large impressive kitchen and large Greek style columns in an expertly crafted living room. This is not to mention the oversized and impressive four car garages.

Comparing what the city approved for construction, to what is available on the open market I cannot help but agree with the critics of this firehouse that there are some serious money questions that need to be addressed. I would be interested to know what the political connections are to the recipients of these contracts to those who award them. I would also like to know why is it acceptable or honest to issue a developer a “No Bid Contract” and how do we know the contractor is not cheating taxpayers for their or someone else’s personal gain. Admittedly I am no expert on firehouses, but from experience I can honestly say none of the ones I visited look nearly as lavish as a Greenwich Mansion. So I must respectfully ask, what on Earth is contained in this new Firehouse that would justify 4+ Million dollars?

My current understanding is that the Fire Trucks are not included. So, respectfully ask my Mayoral opponents, where did the money go, and why are you not even concerned over this obvious impropriety?

Firehouse Construction Estimator at the below link:

One Story 6,000 Sf

Two Story 10,000 Sf
Rocco J. Frank

Friday, October 7, 2011

What We Do Not Need In Milford

More questionable judgement from My opponent and his Political Party, protest the Milford MRTC for hosting events with billionaire aristocrats who make a profit from demeaning women. Linda McMahon was sent a big message in the last election that our votes cannot be bought. Now that Lieberman is vacating the Senate seat she is attempting again to buy delegate votes from the Milford Republican party. If you agree this is shameful, despicable and corrupt behavior reshare this post and confront Jagodinski of the MRTC for welcoming Ms. McMahon to our community.

To voice your concerns to the MRTC Click the following link:

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Rocco Frank Election Notes

Last year both Democrats and Republicans took credit for the citywide tax decrease; however both sides neglected to mention they borrowed the money to do it. This borrowing increased our debt to 240M in 2010, not including interest.

The "Entrenched Two Party Leadership" also fattened their pension fund to an astounding $320M. In turn, the People of Milford were left with a current estimated 300M in 2011 debt... and the “mad rush” to now deplete the pension fund is making it look like a developing Ponzi scheme.

Since 2008! The CAFR's (Comprehensive Audited Financial Results) indicate our city liabilities are growing at an alarming 17.7% per year, while our city assets are growing at 6.6% per year.

Neither democrats nor, Republicans want to admit that their collective leadership and “voodoo economics” is the root cause of Milford "Heading of a Cliff!!"

While I have no intention of arguing with the selective accounting at City Hall, I do take issue with the practice of borrowing new money at lower interest rates, to pay off higher interest rates. This is not a serious plan and it’s done nothing to stem the tide of our growing liabilities, we need something more professional than just “juggling the interest on our credit cards.”

In order to seriously deal with this grave financial issue, big Developers, Law Firms and special interests have to understand that they are second to getting our finances in order. This, however, is a difficult task when both my opponents each owe favors to the corporate donors who “buttered their bread.” It’s my job to present the facts, hopefully the non-voters will be motivated to come out and vote en-masse, to put an end to the "High jacking" of our city!

Milford’s “high jackers” have their eyes set on 200 Million dollars. You can be assured that there are many special interests who want more of that money for themselves, and sadly they are stealing it. They cheat us taxpayers by way of crony job appointments, no bid contracts, double dipping, nepotism, favoritism, undeserved bonuses and bigger government. My silent opponent’s, and their political parties, rely on you being uniformed; it’s what keeps them in power and loving Milford!

Thus far this year, I have shredded thousands of dollars in checks and refused all special interest money. We are not for sale and will not endorse any future candidate unless they guarantee us oversight! Personally, I choose to run my campaign with little to no money because most every sizable donation offered me came with a set of terms. The best type of victory is one where past non voters enthusiastically vote against corruption, and ordinary citizens organize on their own without expectations. Hopefully I have earned your trust and support.

Rocco J. Frank Jr.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Administrative Note Regarding the Mayoral Poll

Votes Cast for Blake Frank Joy originated in multiple volleys. These mass votes occurred in a period of about few weeks. The IP Origins and relays, originate across numerous proxy servers, masked id's, and are therefore unreliable and probably Hacked.