Saturday, September 29, 2007

Jim Amann has a Growing Problem.

Jim Amann has been really screwing up with the public and their opinion of him. Just about every blog board is critical of his leadership and in many cases goes as far as saying that he illegally uses his office for his personal financial gain with a charity he is connected to. Most recently is a new emerging website entitled (Not affiliated with

But that aside I continue to distrust Amann across the board because of his support for Lieberman. Amann helped Lieberman get Re-Elected after his party dumped him, and if America starts WW3 due to the Work of Lieberman, then I believe Jim Amann should be held accountable for all the future lives of young men and women that needlessly will be lost. Vote him out of office!

The last thing Connecticut needs right now is a “Lieber-Loving tax and Spend Liberal.” While I resent Jims wish to bilk the governor out of “Millions of dollars” to fix our bridges, he has not mentioned a single word about holding those who wreck our infrastructure accountable, and I know that that is a major part of this budget.

I challenge the Speaker to propose a $10 or $20 Tax or Toll for “Big Rig” tractor trailer trucks, the overweight offenders, the 12 ton speeders, and the implementation of proper drainage systems and freight weight standards.

Lets not forget that the last bridge explosion in CT was in Black Rock, another one exploded on Rt 7 not too long ago, both were trucks full of Oil that created infernos and stopped traffic. Should these offenders be our problem? The passenger car drivers. I think not!

Amann should be suggesting real solutions rather than once again stealing the “limelight” after a Bridge collapses on T.V. and you Mr. Amann, if your reading this, should be ashamed of your “Telegislator” style! You should be ashamed that you have no semblence of a plan other than to be a “Tax and Spend” liberal.

This is the thinking that is resulting in the annual meltdown in Hartford. We keep allocating millions to departments and projects that are neither properly managed, financialy resourceful or efficient. I believe that not one cent should be appropriated to any single person or department that is devoid of a conservative plan to get their job done, and done without B.S. cost overuns and budget problems. I believe waste should be eliminated.

With that said I also believe the Speaker needs to force Connecticut to stand up for itself and take a position demanding that our Federal Income Tax Dollars be apportioned back to us as our U.S. Constitution requires of the Federal Government. As it stands the Federal Government annually takes 4 months of CT Citizens income in tax. None of it comes back to us or our state. Not a cent for our Schools, Roads, our Emergency services, or a single social program. Aaron Russo, featured on youtube will eloquently explain this to any “would be doubters,” but for now, I think we all need to be Mad as Hell over the cronyism, and racketeering going on in our government. These latest budget problems, and its associated “Pork” not excepted.

Join the “Truth Movement” Demand answers and boot the “Dinosaur Politicians.”

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