Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tax Day Tea Party Coming To Connecticut

The kettle is brewing and about to boil over this April 15Th at a city near Milford. Years of taxation without representation, excessive wasteful spending, looting of our treasury and runaway debt on the backs of countless future generations of children are what is on the hearts and minds of the American people.

Congress and its 9% approval rating, both our state Senators Dodd and Lieberman now publicly despised for their party betrayal and cronyism to banks and the war agenda's are seeing their campaigns in trouble next election cycle.

This WEBSITE (CLICK THE LINK) has at least three tea parties going on in our state. These tea parties are part of a grass roots movement comprised of not one single leader but many brave citizens who are angry and wish to organize their local communities to exercise their First Amendment rights. They ask for our leaders to redress their grievances, and hold accountable those responsible for the tax and debt malfeasance that is undermining America and its ability to prosper and recover from the current Recession and widespread unemployment.

Anyone who wishes to show these organizations their support should visit the link listed above and participate in what is a PEACEFUL NON-VIOLENT PROTEST, this is how a successful protest works and all those wishing to participate should express their views with with signs, handouts, a megaphone or something that does not result in injury to another individual.

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