Saturday, February 2, 2013

Balance Sheet Disaster...Rookie Mayor Ben Blake Raises Milford's Property Taxes Again.

Milford continues to slide down the list of the most heavily taxed cities in CT. Although we are not a Hartford or Bridgeport with Mill rates ranging from 50 to 70, well... all you need to know is that we keep growing Government in Milford, and our Rookie boards, Commissions and Mayor are making the same costly mistakes of their predecessors. With Apx. 73% of the City balance sheet now liabilities (SEE CFR STATS) we can expect "A lot less for a lot More" and if you think I am kidding just compare Milford to our close neighbor right across the Housatonic river. Shelton, a town near Sikorsky Aircraft, has a Mill Rate that is nearly 1/2 of ours. What are our inept leaders doing wrong? Personally I think its absolutely everything, but mostly I believe our reliance on the bad advice of out of town consultants, combined with pressure from local union leaders with a financial interest in Milford is a large part of the problem. To make a case in point one just needs to look at the New Haven Ave. Firehouse constructed at a cost that was five times more than any other auxiliary fire department, however Blake in his experience was convinced by the former Fire Chief that this was a "Good Idea" and voted to appropriate a multi-million dollar initial appropriation of which included hundreds of thousands of dollars for blue prints, all long accusing the Republicans for overspending a few hundred dollars on office chairs. This however pales in comparison to the effect of those forces tapping our local treasury. Blake has made several feeble attempts, or in his words doing his "best" to reject any policy that responsibly abates organized labors dependency on the public financing. The Unions and special interests in Milford have clearly demonstrated they have an inappropriate relationship with our Mayor, and in my opinion their long history of keeping well financed and locally entrenched candidates in key city positions prove this beyond a reasonable doubt.

Truly Challenging years are still ahead, and I think we should go easy on Blake for now. We can hardly blame a person because he tries his "best" and does not get the desired results. Perhaps he is getting bad advice from his staffers, however,  I believe charisma and a sincere effort is less than what the people of Milford deserve. To borrow a phrase from the movie "The Rock" with Nicholas Cage and Sean Connery, I am getting a bit exhausted with the excuse that Blake is doing his "Best""losers always say they are doing their best! Winners court the prom queen!" and Milford has yet to see that from Blake and his latest Tax Hike.


Anonymous said...

The mayor's increase includes hiring more building inspectors.

Here in Bayview, building inspectors were literally walking on people's property and peeking in their windows to see if anyone was fixing up after the flood. If they have the time on their hands to trespass and look in windows (some people were actually home at the time), then maybe they already have too much time on their hands, no?

Unknown said...

They never told anyone in the neighborhoods surrounding the firehouse it was going there until after they spent money on the project and said it couldn't be moved. Our neighborhood is noisy because they cut through at all hours of the day/night with their heavy trucks and their lights and sirens. My dogs and others in the neighborhood go berserk all the time because of this. It shouldn't be in a residential area. It should have been built on Pepes Farm Road instead of New Haven Avenue, that would have made more sense and still made it accessible to the areas it is to serve. But then when has anything in Milford made sense lately?