Monday, October 7, 2013

Milford Independents & Republicans Re-Run Spalthoff

Peter Spalthoff, Republican Candidate for Milford’s Mayoral election this fall, was unanimously endorsed by Milford’s Independent Party at their caucus on August 24th 2013. This endorsement places the Spalthoff name on both the Republican and Independent Party lines on the ballot this November 5th.

After securing the support of the Independents, Spalthoff said, “I take the endorsement of the Independent Party seriously because, as most of you can remember, I ran as an independent four years ago and ran on a platform of "people before politics". I believe that now more than ever before.”

Almost every member of the Spalthoff team that includes Linda Stock for City Clerk, as well as all of the Republican endorsed Aldermen, Board of Ed and Planning and zoning members were endorsed by the Independents and will also be on both the Republican and Independent ballot.

Spalthoff went on to say “Thanks again to the party for the confidence they have placed in my team and me. I will certainly not let you down when it comes time to manage this wonderful City of ours.”

Peter Spalthoff has held multiple leadership roles for many years in numerous Milford community organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce, Milford Rotary, Woodruff YMCA, Milford Fine arts, Bridges, the Downtown Business Association and as Chairman of the United Way of Milford. His community participation reflects his passion for Milford and his desire to get involved and get things done. His vision is to make Milford stronger, more diverse, and prosperous. Visit his web site at or contact him at (203) 701-VOTE.

Trouble at the "Everything is not O.K." Democrat Corrall

This is in Reference to the Richard Smith article "Blake Supporter Comments on Campaign Signs" read that at the below link before you proceed.
 Normally I do not Comment on Richard Smith's articles, but since he saw fit to make this article his personal criticism of myself, and the Milford Independent Party I see fit to inform the readers here of the Truth, rather than the art of politics that Rich has mastered as the Chairman of the Democratic Town Committee.

 First and foremost I am one person, not the Independent Party, there are several hundred registered Independents and nearly half the town considers themselves Independent. Secondly, I find it to be in poor taste to smear Peter Spalthoff over an issue that has nothing to do with him personally.

 But to get the facts straight here, and having had a long history of this type of malice the MITC agreed it would be best to document everything so the public in Milford is not continually misguided by the actions of people with poor character.
 Fact Number One, Smiths Claims are baseless see the historical links below that state my original position. They are also accompanied with official statements from the CT and the MPD where they without being asked looked into their grievance with me personally.

 Fact Number 2 If you want to discuss what a poor choice of a Party the Milford Democrats are read about some of their past candidates, however do not let these bad apples tarnish the batch because there are at least Two Candidates we cross endorsed this year including Mark Ahrens who are terrific choices. It just so happens these people are rare in their ranks and as long as this kind posting continues on Patch I expect that good people will continue to not Run. The individuals named below have all been mainstream news so I believe this is the only exception to what ought to be a good rule.