Thursday, September 20, 2007

Is Drinking Fluoride Really Good For your Teeth?

For years and even since I was I kid I remember my dentist using Fluoride on my teeth. My dentist told me that low levels of Fluoride are effective at helping our teeth. While I never really understood the nature of how Fluoride works I trusted that certainly our leaders in government were certainly looking out for the public good. After all it is in our drinking water, our tooth paste, it is naturally occurring in our food, and no one is really complaining that Fluoride is a problem. It is actually quite the contrary we have been taught to insist on fluoride and it is advertised in bold letters on our tooth paste mouthwash and better dental products.

One day, and after many years, I decided to read the label on the side of my toothpaste tube and I got real curious when it labeled fluoride as a poison and insisted that anyone ingesting it contact a poison control center. Naturally I was shocked! I certainly would not put poison in my mouth, think of it like brushing your teeth with ammonia or mercury. Both of these also would require a person to contact a poison control center. Like most I thought that mnaybe I was missing something, and so I began to research this concern of mine a bit more. I discovered a website called that basically debunked everything good about fluoride. They actually proved that Fluoride can permanently damage the health of babies, cause cancer, and put young children at risk.

With this debunked I watched the following video, I also learned that it cannot be filtered with carbon and many bottled water plants have fluoride in their spring water. Watch the video and then read on.

The history depicts that we are ingesting a toxic waste, a byproduct of Uranium production from the atom bomb and cold war era. The fact that the fluoride in our water is toxic waste grade is scary and there are many poisons beyond that that are untested.

We all instinctively know our water is disgusting, that is why Americans purchase 90+ Million bottles of water each year. This water amounts to an environmental and recyclying mess as there is no requirement to recycle them, so they all end up in landfills. Plastic bottles, unlike paper products, do not decompose and are with us for multiple future generations. The poisoning of our water is only one of many absurdities, a recent article I read made me aware that we now believe that injecting Mercury as part of a child's vaccine is healthy for our children.

Please take notice and become aware of the gross misuse of logic that is being presented to us as fact. Do not believe what you are told unless you check it out for yourself and it does not seem absurd. We must trust no one and question everything today.

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