Thursday, January 22, 2009

Independent Party Forms In Milford

A recent barrage of news stories has once again proven that even after my candidacy for State Representative the Independent party has not subsided, in fact it looks like it is gaining strength and without added work on my part. This is truly exciting, and today I am urging all those folks who voted for me the nearly 1005 or 10% of the district to visit the the new website and join us for an open house.

Participation and interest is paramount to the success of this fledgling party, and it will be hosted on the celebratory day of former independent Mayor Iovino of Milford. Iovino became world famous when he was elected mayor due to "write in" votes. This was so unusual that Time magazine placed our great city in the spotlight.

Visit this link for the preliminary website, your RSVP details, and mention that Rocco Frank Sent you.

The party is hosted by Peter Spalthoff Former RTC chairman who has officially recognized in numerous press releases the need for a new party. Spathoff feels that the independent party should cater to candidates that are disenfranchised with the local Republican and Democratic parties.

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