Thursday, March 13, 2008

Dollar Plunging Faster Than Thought Possible

The U.S. Dollar is plunging faster than I imagined. The downward spiral has got even Mexican migrant workers upset as they send their money home only to find out it is worth less and less.

Experts are indicating today on the GCN network, or the "Freedom Radio" link on the main page of this site, that anyone with large deposits of dollar based assets need to begin their diversification of their assets into hard assets, such as Gold, Silver, Real Estate, or things of value that the Federal Reserve cannot create out of thin air.

Some time ago I have written that Real Estate is one of the best safeguards a person can have at the moment, anyone with large debt should consider refinancing at lower interest rates and fixing those rates for as long as possible. If you are able to pay your debt my position has been to not worry so much about fixed interest debt in lieu of accelerated inflation. As the dollar becomes worth less it is my bet that debt will become cheaper and more devalued. On the other hand, fixed assets in real estate will eventually grow as construction costs skyrocket. This scenario, in my opinion will come back to benefit everyone who avoids foreclosure. It may take several years for the market to equalize and get the economy back on track but when it does you hopefully will be happy you held on to your home.

One major concern at the moment for me is energy and food inflation, both of which are married. As energy goes up so does food prices, money may not keep up with inflation. As an American Italian one thing I learned is the importance of storing food during hard times. Should the U.S. Dollar drop another 20% it may be a good idea to get a jump on food prices and pack a pantry for yourself and family.

On a final note, I am not a financial advisor, always consult your personal expert when making major financial decisions. My situation may be unique and may not directly apply to you. This is my opinion only.

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