Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Milford's Joe Di Canero Upset With Fowler And RTC

Unbelievable! Milford GOP leader Jack Fowler sure has got some nerve. In his letter to the editor published June 25 he is furious at Rocco Frank for even mentioning Mayor Jim Richetelli's Milford taxpayer funded pension, the one he will get if he wins the upcoming election. He raves like a mad man who's trying to protect his last chicken from an inquisitive fox.

Fowler gets all bent out of shape, choking on a fur ball of anger, all because someone mentions the pension. You know, the pension Mayor Richetelli will get at aged 50 whether he is sitting at the beach sipping an iced tea or happens to get another high paying senior position, most likely within the GOP. A pension that will be paid for by all of us here in Milford, whether we have a job or are being
crushed by the current economic circumstances and the ridiculously high property taxes. You know, the pension he will get despite the consequences of the economic hole he is digging for us right now, so regardless of how good or bad his legacy is we'll just keep paying it like good little sheep. You know which pension I'm referring to. I'm sure you do.

But you can't stop Fowler. He is a man of passion. Of telling it the way it is. A man of principle.

Strange, then, was his and RTC Chairman Tom Jagodzinski's silence concerning my letter about the internal rot that is devouring the Milford GOP. Maybe they hope that if they bury their head in the sand it will just go away. Or by attacking Rocco Frank it will distract us from this greater issue facing our party. The issue of irrelevance.

Both Fowler and Jagodzinski know I am speaking the truth, and the accuracy of my letter left them both dumbfounded. The email Jagodzinski circulated within the party concerning my letter soon after its publication proves it. Jagodzinski effectively stated to everyone in the GOP that 'all is good, don't read the letter, don't panic, we are financially ok'.

What have finances got to do with the slow death and growing irrelevance of the Milford GOP?

Why have Collins, Munk, Marshall, Spalthoff and numerous other former GOP leaders abandoned the party if everything is so fantastic? Why are so many senior figures in the GOP so sick of you, Jagodzinski, Mayor Jimmy and all your inner-circle buddies doing self-serving deals, that they not only left the party but are now actively campaigning against the GOP to get rid of all of you before the party dies?

Why not get upset about this Fowler, something that should concern you more than Jimmy's pension? Or has Jimmy taken another mysterious 6 hiatus and so is not able to address this issue on his own?

It saddens me, really saddens me to see the party I love, yes love, being left in the hands of these morticians that are waiting for its final breath. Maybe Fowler and his friends should stop worrying about Spalthoff, Rocco Frank and the Milford Independent Party and start worrying about our Milford GOP. Even better, maybe they could do us a favor and leave the GOP, and go join the Democrats to suck the life out of their party instead.

Joe Di Canenero

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