Friday, January 18, 2008

Milford is getting Ready for the Connecticut Presidential Primary

This post only applies to new and unaffiliated Connecticut voters. The final date for you to register and pick a political party is Thursday Jan. 31st 2008. The procedure is simple, call the Voter Registrars office in your town and request the appropriate forms. These will be either a party affiliation form, or a new voter registration form. The town of Milford, (Our town) can be reached at (203) 783-3240.

Some things to point out that may be odd are the names you will see on the ballot. Dodd, Biden, and Richardson have dropped out of the Presidential race and have done so in a manner that left their names on the Connecticut ballot. FYI THEY ARE NOT RUNNING ANYMORE DO NOT THROW AWAY YOUR VOTE.

The date you will vote is going to be Feb. 5Th 2008 at your local precinct. If you do not know your local precinct call the voter registrars and they will tell you where to vote. Remember to bring your ID, a Valid non-expired CT drivers licence, passport or military Id are acceptable.

One last point to mention is that your vote has more power in a primary than the actual election. In the past it has been pointed out to me that as few as several hundred votes decided the victor in our town. For this reason if you are passionate about your candidate loading up your car can make an enormous difference in the outcome of this primary.

As a last point, if anyone out there does not know who they want to vote for, and trust my advice, I plan on voting for Ron Paul. The reason for my choice is because I still believe in the US Constitution and Bill of rights. Of all candidates Ron Paul has the voting record to back this up. Some may make allegations that Ron Paul is a racist, those are malicious lies debunked by the NAACP themselves. See the links below.

Ron Paul Smear Debunked

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