Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fire Show And Muster Eisenhower Park Gets Ready

The annual fire show and Muster returns to Milford this weekend. The following video is of last years show and is worth seeing. Some at the park who spoke about this event called it a fireman's fun day. Bonfires will be lit, and water games are expected again. Pranksters have also been known to have fun stacking tables in the dark of night at the expense of the DPW.

One Milford resident said that the parade of trucks can be heard all the way up North street as early as 9:00A.M. as they make their way into the park. Concession stands and vendors will also be setup on the park green. This a fun town tradition that is expected to be well attended. Ample parking for all welcome visitors.

The event is scheduled for Saturday September 6Th. 2008. At Eisenhower Park enter on the North Street side.

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