Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Message From Steve Borer

My name is Steve Borer and I'm Running for the Milford Board of Alderman (first district) in the upcoming election. I'm doing the best job I can to prepare myself to be the best city Alderman I can be.

Hopefully you will also support my colleagues who have established the Independent Party for the benefit of our town. They are great hard working people and have earned your overwhelming support on election day.

This year certainly there are numerous issues that have invoked strong feelings in us. Under ordinary circumstances it would be important to discuss the details of each and every one of these issues, but today's circumstances are extraordinary, but not so terrible as to diminish our ability to handle our local problems.

Perhaps it is now fair to say that many are in agreement that our economy is in bad shape, the U.S. dollar does not buy as much as it used to, and ordinary middle class citizens are under duress. America as a nation has never seen its sovereignty and reputation this challenged, at least not in my lifetime as an American.

The future will certainly bring these problems to our local community, and it is therefore my commitment to be focused on the importance of working together, and taking care of our community first and foremost. It is also important for us to act now, and get involved with issues in Washington and protest the Federal changes soon to be induced upon our small city. Time is running out, and our Congressmen and Senators need to hear from you.

For today I am driven by my optimism and belief that we as a community can stick together, work as a team and make it through the next few years. I also would like to challenge you this election year and ask that you stand with us in sending our Washington leaders a strong message. This message simply entails you voting out the the two party system and helping us forge the foundation of a new Independent party outside of Washington's control and influence.

Since I believe that all politics are local, and it's fair to say that those in Washington, who will soon be responsible for all our upcoming hardships, will be unable to live up to their repertoire of shattered dreams, and broken promises, I therefore expect you will be there to vote different. Our community once again, and as in years past, will be forced to function by way of our own provisions.

Our people are NOT HAPPY with the present policies or direction taken by our National leaders. Would'nt it be nice, to just know, that the road to our nations rebirth began with your support of one small Independent movement at a time? Milford could very well be that community. All it takes is your vote, your support, and your willingness to speak out to your friends and family.

Never will I underestimate the power of determined people, especially those who work together to care for their most important assets... their families, their friends, our city and our country. Milford, in the past, was one of those cities that made history by electing the late Charles Iovino an Independent WRITE IN candidate.

Perhaps it was your fathers or grandfathers that pledged their support to Independents so many years ago. Today I ask of you to embrace the spirit of those who remember and came before you. On November Third go out and vote Independent, because now is the time to raise a rift and make big headlines once again!

See you at the Polls,

Steve Borer
Independent Candidate Board of Alderman 1St District

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